II Pilgrim Forum – Viana do Castelo – 16 and 17 May 2024
The Pilgrim Forum is an annual event organised by the Portuguese Federation of the Way of Saint James with the aim of discussing current and relevant issues for the development of the Way of Saint James in Portugal, involving pilgrim associations, local authorities, religious bodies, national bodies responsible for culture and tourism, civil society, public security bodies, private operators and the general public. The aim is to provide an opportunity for open participation and wide-ranging strategic reflection, where all the players involved in the Way of St James can make their contribution.
Lasting two days, the II Pilgrim Forum will be held in partnership with the Municipality of Viana do Castelo, our associate, and will include a first day of training, aimed at all the human resources who deal directly with pilgrims, and a second day of talks, with some of the best national and international speakers, in themed panels.