The European Federation of Saint James Way is created
The manager of the S.A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo, Camino Triguero, informed this Thursday the plenary session of the Jacobean Council, which met in Madrid, of the recent constitution of the European Federation of the Roads of Santiago de Compostela.
In addition to presenting the joint report of activities for the Holy Year 2010, Triguero has listed the advantages and possibilities of the Federation and explained that any interested autonomous community can participate.
On April 1, the Minister of Culture, Roberto Varela, went to the town of Le Puy to sign with the French Minister of European Affairs, Laurent Wauquiez, the statutes of the constitution of the Federation.
The objective of it is to bring together the territorial communities of the European continent crossed by the Caminos de Santiago around a shared cultural program.
The founding territorial collectivities of the Federation are the Xunta de Galicia, the Communauté d’agglomération de Puy-en-Velay (France) and the Commission for the Coordination and Development of the Rexional do Norte (Portugal).