The celebrations will take place from 6 to 14 May 2023: more than fifty activities in seven countries will highlight the inclusive nature of the cultural itinerary and encourage citizens to learn about the heritage and the European component of the Jacobean route, uniting different peoples of the continent.
More than half a hundred events in seven countries
In total, more than 50 actions are planned to promote the Way, including hiking events, conferences, guided visits, podcasts, music concerts, exhibitions, digital activities and interactive experiences. All the information about each activity and location is available online in our calendar of events.
The objectives of the European Federation
By creating a network of associated partners in all the countries crossed by the Way of Saint James, the European Federation aims to bring them together and raise awareness of the Way of Saint James, conceived by the Council of Europe as a common heritage and a historical model of coexistence and solidarity.
The European Federation of Saint James Way was created in 2011, as the sole reference for The European Institute of Cultural Routes and guarantee of the application of the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe label and its values. Since then, it has been working to disseminate the experiences of the Jacobean community and coordinate actions of the different actors in each participating country, developing high-impact joint projects aimed at promoting and expanding the European network, as in the case of the European Days.
The members of the Federation include the Association of Municipalities of St. James Way (Lithuania), Region Of Kujawsko-Pomorskie (Poland), South Limburg Tourist Board (The Netherlands), Cultural Heritage Department Of The Province Of Namur (Belgium), Agglomeration Community Du Puy-En-Velay (France), Città Di Assisi – Ufficio Comunicazione & Marketing (Italy), Interactive Tourism Office Of Vila Pouca De Aguiar (Portugal), Council of Culture, Linguistic Policy and Tourism of Asturias (Spain), Galicia Tourism Agency (Spain), Foundation Camino Lebaniego (Spain) and Portuguese Federation of Saint James Way (Portugal).